Remodeling your bathroom is extremely exciting and is going to put a huge smile on your face after you are done with the project, but there are many things that you need to do before you can enjoy the brand-new space. If you want to start this process, but don’t know how to get things in motion, you’ve come to the right place. We are here to give you some tips for planning and budgeting your first bathroom remodel, and with them, you are going to be able to save a lot of time and stress.
1. Get everything cleaned
The first thing that you need to start with is cleaning the space. Throw out everything that you don’t need, make sure you remove all the dirt or dust from the place, and access the equipment. See if there are any leaks, mold, or if there are items that are broken. By sorting out the space before you start with the project, you will be able to plan faster and know what are things are going to cost you the most, and which items are in perfect condition and can be reused.
2. What is your budget?

The most important thing that you need to plan on before you even start this project is your funds. How much money are you willing to invest in this process? Some people are okay with spending tens of thousands of dollars, while others want to keep the remodel as budget-friendly as possible, and not spend more than a grand or two. Depending on how much you can invest, you need to see what you can purchase, and what you will need to just reuse.
3. Do you want to DIY some part of the remodel?
When we want to do a project like this, we tend to try and do some things on our own. This is a great idea as long as you have some of the needed skills and if you don’t have to invest too much in new equipment or tools. Talk to your relatives or friends and see if they can help you out with some of the things, and see how you can plan your expenses based on this.
4. Consider collaborating with professionals

Doing things all on your own is not recommended, as you can make a mistake that can cost you thousands to repair, and then you will have to invest additional cash to get things done properly.
As you can see on websites like, if you consider bathroom renovations in Los Angeles, you will be able to sit back, relax, and have the bathroom of your dreams created for you.
It is far better to approach this remodel with the help of people who know what they are doing than to try and do it yourself without having the skills, tools, or experience.
5. Are there items that you want to keep?
This is the most important question that you should ask yourself and it will definitely affect your budget. Are there any things that you want to keep, starting from your toilet, up to the shower or tub, as well as the heater or even the cabinets and sink? If you want to keep them, do you want to have them as is, or do you want to change them?
By having an answer on this, it is going to be simpler for you to plan for the remodel. Additionally, if you’re considering updating your cabinets and sink, exploring options from a reputable Bathroom Vanity Store can provide you with a wide range of choices to match your aesthetic and functional preferences.
6. Do you want to get your cabinets fixed or repainted?

More often than not, people tend to keep the cabinets that they already had in their bathrooms, and they just want to get them fixed and repainted. This is a relatively easy task to do, and you can do it all on your own. By doing this, you can save a lot of money. In case you want to change them, then you need to know how big you want the next ones to be, and which other elements you want to implement in this space.
7. What are you going to change and remodel?
You have to have an idea of what are all the things that you want to change and remodel. Some people want to just change the floors and walls, while others want to fully remodel the bathroom. So, which category do you fall in? It is always best to make a list of the things that you want to change and the things that you are okay to keep. This is also going to help you out a lot with the budget planning, and it can help you save some cash.
8. Find the stores that you are going to purchase things from

When you have an idea of what you want to change and remodel, the next step is to find all the items that you need. Starting from the plumbing, up to tiles, floors, paint, shower, and all of the additional things. Make a list of the items that you need for the whole remodel, and start researching stores. The professionals that you collaborate with can help you out a lot with this, and they can recommend reliable stores.
9. Set a deadline
Don’t forget that you need to have a deadline set and that you need to tell the professionals what your plan is. See if they can get things done in that window, and what would happen if they breach the deadline. If you set yourself a specific timeline, it is going to be much easier to separate tasks and plan on things than if you do things as they come.
10. Get things in motion and supervise everything

Finally, you need to start doing things. Clean the whole space, start taking things out, make all the appointments needed, and get things done. If you are doing something on your own, plan on how you are going to do it and who is going to help you. If you have any professional help, then talk to them constantly, and supervise how things are going.
Follow our tips and know that you are going to finish this process sooner than you have expected. Don’t forget to put some money aside for unplanned expenses, and be always have a backup plan in case there are any delays.